


하나님과 맘몬 : 가서 너도 이와 같이 하라


Who are you serving between God and Mammon?: “Go and do likewise."


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to Jesus, God and Mammon are two mastε, rs. You can’t serve both. But, Jesus praises the shrewd money manager, and lauds those who grow their wealth in his parables(for example, Lk 16:21; 16: 19-31).
MAMMON is a biblical term, Aramaic in origin, that refers to all material wealth or corporeal substance. Its reference is to one’s possessions, one’s property and equity, and, most importantly, one’s spiritual attitude toward all things owned. An important measure of any individual is the way in which that person views the matεrial world around him. The array of personal possessions which enhance and crowd our lives is boundless. People define themselves by what they own and consider wea1th and valuable possessions to be a
blessing. Success is also often defined in material terms. In contrast, the teaching of the Jesus Christ in the synoptic Gospels were dedicated to freeing mankind from the slavish pursuits of material mammon. Of all Jesus' parables, none has worked its way deeper into the Christian consciousness as the Parable of the Good Samaritan(Lk 10: 25 - 3 7). The phrase “Good Samaritan" is used to describe any person who goes out of his way to help another. It’ s a theme that newspaper reporters love to feature because it captures readers' attention and fires
the imagination.
In this parable “ Jesus told every Christian, ‘Go and do likewise" ’ (10:37b). Jesus isn’t content just to define what “ neighbor" means. He commands us to do as the Samaritan does, to show mercy to our fellow man who is in need. I must ask myself, what we, as disciples of Jesus, are supposed to leam from this story. And for me the answer is to examine my own heart. What motivates me? For me, Jesus' command, “Go and do likewise," means that I must value acts of mercy over personal productivity. What does it mean for you?


 I. 재물에 관한 성경의 일반적 가르침
  1. 하나님을 신실하게 믿는 일과 물질의 축복은 병행가능한가?
  2. 재물에 관한 잠언의 가르침
  3. 재물은 우리를 하나님으로부터 멀어지게 할 수 있다
 II. 물질의 청지기도
  1. 구원받은 자는 재물에 대해서 청지기(Steward)가 되어야 한다
  2. 자신만을 위한 재물의 축적을 삼가라
  3. 경제적 약자를 보호
  4. 구제


  • 심상길 Sang-Gil Sim. 그리스도대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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