

신데렐라 유형 전래동화 「콩쥐 팥쥐」 속 젠더문제와 새로운 여성상


Gender issue and the new female Potential in the Korean Cinderella Story 「Konggyu Potgyu」.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Hong, Sunhi. 2010. Gender issue and the new female Potential in the Korean Cinderella Story 「Konggyu Potgyu」. The Language and Culture 6-1: 309-329. The fairy tale, which had been handed down orally for a long time, was supposed to be chosen and written according to the social, historical, and spiritual demands of modernization or industrialization. So were the woman figures in the fairy tale. It is also rational that the instinctive and natural mother be inferior to that of the ‘better’ mother reborn by logos and the former be suppressed, repressed and oppressed by the latter. The purpose of this article is to recover the lost or forgotten oral potential of written fairy tale and to reconstruct the mother and the sexuality in the context of 21st century, when the topics related to life, ecology and nature are in particular issued. According to the reconstructed ‘new’ mother the ‘original’ mother should be the ‘great’ Mother and the body of woman is to be functional both to give birth and to express her sexuality itself. Riding on woman’s movement to new era it is also possible for the fairy tale to get out of the closed structure of printed text and to enter the open structure of hypertext.(Keimyung University)


 1. 들어가는 말
 2. 신데렐라 이야기: 세계화 시대의 (다)문화적 맥락
 3. 동아시아 신데렐라 유형 이야기의 순차구조
 4. 한국 신데렐라 유형 이야기「콩쥐 팥쥐」분석
  4.1. 작품 속 여성 유형
  4.2. 젠더문제
  4.3. 모성ㆍ여성성 그리고 새로운 여성상
 5. 나가는 말: 동화 새롭게 읽기


  • 홍순희 Hong, Sunhi. 계명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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