Case Study about Understanding of the Korean novel and Korean film - Focused on the Korean Advanced learners.
Ha, Chae-Hyun & Jung, Su-Yeun. 2010. Case Study about Understanding of the Korean novel and Korean film -Focused on the Korean Advanced learners. The language and Culture 6-1: 229-257. This paper aims to examine how the characteristics of novel and movie as media influence advanced level Korean learners' understanding of them. Based on the hypothesis that media difference will affect advanced level Korean learners' understanding of works, Korean novel class and Korean movie class were taught to enhance learners' understanding of novel and movie in Korean. Theme of novel and movie was 'love' and the text for novel was
1. 머리말
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 한국어교육에서 문학교육의 방안과 내용
2.2 한국문학교육에서 서사교육의 방안과 내용
2.3 한국문학교육에서 학습자의 이해와 표현
3. 실험 수업
3.1 소설 수업과 영화 수업 - 소설「소나기」와 영화「클래식」
3.2 심층인터뷰
4. 실험 사례 결과 분석
4.1 셰마타(schemata)작용의 능동성을 통해 본 이입 단계
4.2 줄거리의 기억과 핵심 모티프의 의미 형성을 통해 본 조정 단계
4.3 이야기 구성과 바꾸고 싶은 장면을 통해 본 내면화 단계
5. 결론