

도시공원의 이용과 만족요인에 관한 연구 - 광주광역시 근린공원을 대상으로


A Study on the Use and Satisfaction factor with Urban Park - Focused on Neighborhood Park in Gwangju

김우혁, 김윤학, 문동일

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The object of urban planning is to induce us to develop consistent public facilities. The desire for a resting place in city is increasing lately. It is important to ensure green zones and parks in urban planning(design), so many studies have been progressing. This paper discusses the problems of Kwang-ju open-space and analyzes the users' behavioral patterns and consciousness, along with the plans and management system for open-space. Accordingly the purpose of this study is to find solutions to improve the plans and development for open-space in order to meet citizens' expectation. In the aspect of space structure, about 31.8% of respondents proves that it takes more than half or one hour to reach parks. It means that it is not easy for citizens to go to parks easily because many city parks are located only in specified areas or in the suburbs of the city. Considering actual conditions, it is very difficult to prepare or increase a many parks in the city. Therefore, people's playgrounds with in a zone of neighborhood life and odds land made by the road expansion or the land adjustment should be used as a small-scaled park in other words, a new pattern of open-space. In the aspect of the management of facilities, open-space hardly fulfill its enough function as a space for recreation, because of the lack of its facilities and the unclean circumstances. Therefore, the authorities concerned should set the recreation facilities in better condition and make active plans to lead various static and dynamic activities, along with continuous training of experts. Finally recreation of good quality by a steady rise in the standard of living is the public problem to be solved in relation to open-space. As recreation of good quality in creases the importance of the opportunity of social choice various specific and practical ones such as athletic or sculpture parks should be actively planned and developed in order to meet users' demands.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 범위와 방법
 2. 도시공원 이용 및 만족도
  2.1 도시공원에의 도착소요시간 및 이동수단
  2.2 접근 및 주차 용이성
  2.3 혼잡 및 소음정도
  2.4 쾌적성 및 경관성
  2.5 조경 및 식재계획
  2.6 시설관리 및 이용만족도
  2.7 도시공원의 공급 및 형태에 대한 인식
 3. 공원이용에 대한 만족 요인
  3.1 이용만족의 요인 및 신뢰도 분석
  3.2 회귀분석
 4. 결론


  • 김우혁 Kim, Woo-hyeok. 조선대 토목공학과 겸임교수, 공학박사
  • 김윤학 Kim, Yun-hag. 조선이공대 건축과 겸임교수, 공학박사
  • 문동일 Moon, Dong-il. 조선대 대학원 건축공학과, 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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