


고령자 고용관계법상 중견전문인력 정책의 법제도적 개선방안


A study on the revision and improvement of related-employment law for the Aged Special Manpower

고준기, 이병운

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to the "Act on Age Discrimination Prohibition in Employment and Aged Employment Promotion", the Minister of Labor may designate a Job Center for the Aged Special Manpower (“Job Center for the Aged Special Manpower”) which provides vocational guidance, job placement, etc. for those who are retired aged persons and determined by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Labor (“the Aged Special Manpower”) in consideration of their career, etc.
However, the performance of vocational guidance and job placement, etc. is very poor. Therefore, a study on the revision and improvement of related-employment law for the Aged Special Manpower is needed.
This research is to establish the measures for the utilization(particularly, in small and medium-sized businesses) of the Aged Special Manpower who have the accumulated expertise, professional staff or management know-how, and who retired from a large company, etc. Firstly, this study proposed mitigation measures for range criteria of Aged Special Manpower which not meet the current labor market realities. Secondly, In addition, in case of small and medium-sized businesses hire Aged Special Manpower, new incentives such as support or subsidiary ets. have to be established on the Employment Insurance Act.
Thirdly, the provision on Article 11-2 Paragraph 1 of "Act on Age Discrimination Prohibition in Employment and Aged Employment Promotion" replace "those who are retired aged persons" with "the unemployed, the aged special manpower who wish to change and the unemployed-aged special manpower". This is to establish the measures for the utilization, in small and medium-sized businesses, of the aged special manpower prior to “separation” from labor market. Finally, the related-laws & policies for the aged special manpower have to establish identity as more being differentiated.


Ⅰ. 문제의 제기
 Ⅱ. 중견전문인력 유입·활용 필요성과 구인ㆍ구직 수요 및인력수급 불일치
  1. 중소기업의 중견전문인력 유입·활용 필요성
  2. 중견전문인력의 구인ㆍ구직 수요 및 인력수급 불일치
  3. 중견전문인력 고용의 불일치 구조 분석
 Ⅲ. 중견전문인력 고용지원에 관한 외국의 사례와 현행 관련법제도의 개요
  1. 주요 국가의 고령자·중견전문실직인력 고용지원사례와 시사점
  2. 현행 고령자 고용관계법상 중견전문인력 고용지원제도의 개요
 Ⅳ. 중견전문인력 정책에 관한 현행 법제도의 문제점과 개선방안
  1. 중견전문인력 정책에 관한 현행 법제도의 문제점
  2. 중견전문인력 유입·활성화를 위한 법제도적 개선방안
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 고준기 Ko, Zoon-Ki ․. 동아대학교 겸임교수, 김해외국인근로자지원센터장.
  • 이병운 Lee, Byung-Woon. 순천대학교 법학과 교수, 법학박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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