국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 8 Number 4 2020.12 pp.33-38
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A Study on Corporate Support for Employment of Retirees in Gyeongsangnam- do Employment Crisis
국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 10 Number 3 2022.09 pp.33-38
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Employment Suggestions for Executives in Special Warfare Units Based on Job Competency
위기관리 이론과 실천 한국위기관리논집 제15권 제9호 2019.09 pp.79-94
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Employment Market Trend Analysis & Recruitment Method of College Graduates in France
한국취업진로학회 한국취업진로학회 학술대회 2019 춘계 국제학술대회 2019.02 pp.1-15
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Employment market trend analysis and recruitment method of Korean college graduates
한국취업진로학회 한국취업진로학회 학술대회 2019 춘계 국제학술대회 2019.02 pp.1-22
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Contingent Employment and Innovation
한국재무학회 한국재무학회 학술대회 2023 KFA Young Scholar Workshop 2023.11 pp.326-410
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Gender Gaps in Employment and Wages under Covid 19 Shock
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University Career and Employment Education and Services Impact on Career Decisions
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Governance, Entrepreneurship and Employment Growth in Africa : Does Resource Richness Matter?
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Study on overseas employment motivation of two-year tourism majors after English intensive training
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The Linkage between Employment and Population Movements in the Decentralisation Process
한국지역개발학회 한국지역개발학회지 제20권 4호 제56집 2008.12 pp.283-300
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