

타협의 과정으로서의 번역: Sula 번역을 중심으로


Reading Black Culture through Translating Sula


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to suggest the way of translation by discussing the actual process of translating Toni Morrison's Sula. The process of translation is that of compromise in which the translator is obliged to modify the original intentionality in order to solve translation problems. My goal of translation is to fully retrieve ‘the Foreign’ of Sula and to do so is the strategy of foreignization considered the best way. However, the intentionality has been often limited by two kinds of translation problems; untranslatability and receptiveness. Untranslatability is categorized of three levels; cultural, semantic, and linguistic and stylistic. As the three levels show, untranslatability is mainly due to the absence in the target text for the source text or differences of the two texts. My decision to find a solution is the change of intentionality from foreignization to domestication, which sometimes leads to deformation of the source text with interpolation and footnote. Although such solutions vary, it is clearly that they involve the principle, the receptiveness and readiness of the target audience. What I recognize through a painful experience of translating Sula is that the process of compromise is to deepen understanding of black literature. In addition, it is a way to discover how to get into what Berman calls ‘a good translation’ which is to receive ‘the Foreign as Foreign.’


 I. 서론
 II. 타협의 과정으로서의 번역
  II-1. 흑인 공동체와 문화의 경우
  II-2. 흑인 여성의 경우
  II-3. 흑인 문체의 경우
 III. 결론


  • 김애주 Kim, Aeju.. 동국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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