


누룩원료를 달리하여 제조한 쌀약주의 관능적 특성


Sensory Profiling of Rice Wines Made with Nuruks Using Different Ingredients

이승주, 안병학

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The quantitative sensory profiles of rice wines made with nuruks using eight different cereal ingredients were developed using sensory descriptive analysis. Two appearances, eight aromas, eight flavors and tastes, and two mouthfeel related sensory attributes were evaluated by a panel of 10 judges. The sample made of black rice nuruk had the highest intensity in red color, while the other samples had similar ranges in yellow color. The mean sensory intensities of the
samples prepared with black rice and glutinous rice nuruks were high in ‘sweet’, ‘fruit taste’, ‘pungent’, and ‘sour’, while those samples prepared using non-glutinous rice, buckwheat, hull-less barley, unpolished rice nuruks had overall high intensities in ‘grain’, ‘fermented aroma’, ‘bitter’, and ‘astringent’ attributes. Based on the principal component analysis of
the descriptive data, samples were primarily separated along the first principal component, which accounted for 53% of the total variance between the rice wines with high intensities of ‘red color’, ‘sweet’, and ‘fruit taste’ versus ‘bitter’, ‘astringent’, and ‘yellow color’.


 재료 및 방법
  8종 곡물을 이용한 전통누룩 제조
  각 곡물누룩을 이용한 쌀약주 제조
 결과 및 고찰
 감사의 글


  • 이승주 Seung-Joo Lee. 세종대학교 외식경영학과
  • 안병학 Byung-Hak Ahn. 한국식품연구원 우리술연구센터


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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