


기독청소년의신앙요소에따른우울, 불안및스트레스


Depression, Anxiety, and Stress by Christian Faith Factor


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship betweendepression, anxiety, and stress of Christian youth’s faith. This studywas surveyed from October 5, 2007 to October 26, 2009. The studytarget were 60 student sin SeoSan District in Jesus Dae Han HolinessChurch and 39 copies of the final analysis answers were used. Themeasure tool used was developed by P. F. Lovibond and S. H.Lovibond; Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales: DASS in 1995. Inthis study, collected date stook care of using SPSS 11.5. To find outgeneral the character of the study subjects tried to use frequencyanalysis, and to identify study problem the one-way ANOVA analysiswas used. The study results were as follows:First, depression, anxiety, and stress by faith of years indicated thatthere was no significant difference. It means that those feelings didnot have to do with attending church. Second, it showed that the faithof parents did not influence the feelings of the study subjects. Third,salvation also had nothing to do with these feelings. However, it wasfound that the average number of students had a higher level ofdepression. The youth who was not convinced by salvation have ahigher level of anxiety; the youth who want to be saved have ahigher level of stress. Even though there is no significant difference, itis something to be concerned of. Fourth, reading the thine showed nosignificant difference in the feelings. Those who read the bibleeveryday appeared to have little more depression, anxiety, and stress. Fifth, prayer did not affect them either. The youth who prayedeveryday showed little experience of depression, anxiety, and stress.The research shows depression, anxiety, and stress is influenced bythe factor of faith.


본연구의목적은기독교청소년들의신앙요소에따른우울, 불안, 스트레스의관계를분석하였다. 본연구는2007년10월5일부터26일까지설문을실시하였고, 연구대상은예수교대한성결교회에서산지방회에소속된학생60명을대상으로설문을실시하여39부를최종분석에사용하였다. 측정도구는1995년P.F. Lovibond, 와S. H. Lovibond이개발한DASS(Depreesion Anxiety andStress Scales)를본연구자가번안하여사용하였다. 본연구에수집된자료는SPSS 11.5를이용하여통계처리하였다. 연구대상자의일반적인특성을알아보기위해빈도분석을하였고, 연구문제검증을위해일원변량분석(one-wayANOVA)을사용하였다. 연구결과는다음과같다.첫째, 신앙연수에따른우울, 불안및스트레스가유의미한차이가없는것으로나타났다. 이는우울이나불안, 스트레스가교회에다닌기간에상관이없다는것을의미한다.둘째, 부모의신앙유무에따른우울, 불안및스트레스가유의미한차이가없는것으로나타났다. 이는부모의신앙이자녀의우울, 불안, 스트레스에의미있는영향을미치지않는것을보여준다.셋째, 구원의확신에따른우울, 불안및스트레스가유의미한차이가없는것으로나타났다. 그러나평균을보면, 구원의확신을받고싶은청소년이우울감의평균이높은것을알수있다. 또구원의확신이없다고대답한청소년이불안의평균이높고, 구원받고싶다고응답한청소년의스트레스평균이높은것을알수있다. 이는통계적으로는유의미한차이는없을지라도고려해볼사항이다.넷째, 성경읽기에따른우울, 불안및스트레스유의미한차이가나타나지않았다. 그러나이결과를통해알수있는것은의미있는차이는아니었지만성경을매일읽는청소년들이우울, 불안, 스트레스를적게받는것으로나타나났다.다섯째, 기도생활에따른우울, 불안및스트레스유의미한차이가나타나지않았다. 그러나매일기도하는청소년들이우울, 불안을적게경험하는경향성을보였다.이상의연구결과에서신앙적요소가유의미한차이는나타나지않았지만우울, 불안, 스트레스가신앙요소의영향을받는경향성을나타내었다.


 I. 여는글
 II. 펴는글
  1. 이론적배경
  2. 연구방법
  3. 연구결과
 III. 맺는글
 【Abstract 】


  • 서영원 Seo, Young Won. 성화대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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