

노인의 재활레크리에이션 참여 경험에 관한 사례연구


Case study on the aged's subjective experience of rehabilitation recreation exercises

한용철, 손천택

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this research is to culturally understand the subjective experience the aged having participated in a rehabilitation recreation exercises and to exam the effect of such experience on old people's life. To achieve the suggested research purpose, 4 aged people of 65 or older and 1 social worker are selected to collect data through in-depth interview, participating observation, documents. Collected data are analyzed through domain analysis, taxonomy analysis suggested by Spradley(1979) to draw the following results. The aged participating in rehabilitation recreation exercises are having three major subjective experiences. First of all, the aged are experiencing 'their body becoming lighter' by participating in rehabilitation recreation exercises to be taught by rehabilitation exercise expert using a varying kinds of athletic equipment unlike teaching traditional sports. They also are experiencing psychological pleasure such as dissolution of stress or tension by participating cognitively and actively in rehabilitation recreation exercises clapping their hands or yak it up. In addition, the aged are spending leisure time productively and enjoyably. in conclusion, the aged are having special feeling of happiness such positive experiences as 'body becoming lighter,' 'solving stress and tension,' 'spending pleasant leisure time' by participating in rehabilitation recreation exercises. They think that their participating in rehabilitation recreation exercises is conductive to prevent dementia and preclude aging.


 서 론
  1. 연구참여자 및 제보자
  2. 재활레크리에이션 프로그램
  3. 자료수집
  4. 자료 분석
  5. 자료의 진실성
 연구결과 및 논의
  1. 신체적 변화
  2. 정서적 변화
  3. 생활의 변화
 결론 및 제언


  • 한용철 Han, Yong-Cheol. 인천대학교
  • 손천택 Son, Cheon-Taik. 인천대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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