

포도껍질의 제거 또는 첨가를 통한 국내산 포도주의 품질개선


Quality Improvement of Wines Made from Domestic Grapes by the Elimination or Addition of Grape Skins

육철, 장은미

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Three domestic varieties of red grapes were utilized for the fermentation of wines, including Campbell, Muscat Bailey A (MBA), and Sheridan. The grapes were treated by four different methods before fermentation, which included conventional fermentation for red wine, fermentation with skin-removed grapes, fermentation with grapes and addition of removed skins, and fermentation with grape juice. Three different grape varieties with four different treatments did not show any differences in terms of oBx and alcohol changes during fermentation. However, the L value of the MBA wine was lower and darker than the L values of wines prepared from Campbell and Sheridan grapes. The wines prepared from grapes with the addition of removed skins were darker and had 30% higher polyphenol concentrations than those of wines made from grapes by the conventional method, regardless of the grape varieties. Sensory evaluations of dry-type wines demonstrated that quality was higher for those made from Campbell and MBA grapes with the addition of removed skins than for wines made by the conventional method. Whereas for sweet-type wines, the wine that was made from the skinremoved grapes (Sheridan) was more favorable than that made by the conventional method.


 서 론
 재료 및 방법
 결과 및 고찰
 요 약
 문 헌


  • 육철 Cheol Yook. 영동대학교 와인발효식품학과
  • 장은미 Eun-Mi Jang. 영동대학교 와인발효식품학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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