

국어학 연구의 성격과 태도에 대한 반성


Reflections on the Study of national Language in Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The issues concerning the nature of the attitude toward the study of national language may vary from country to country, depending on the national or racial characteristics. The problem domains and the methodologies dealing with them may vary accordingly. Ever since the Korean language was equipped with a writing system in the year of 1443 through King Sejong's long-cherished desire, investigations have been constantly made into the real nature of the language itself in pursuit of a better method for representing the spoken language in written form. This is how the study of the Korean language began to take shape.Among such investigations are Hunmin-jeong-eum (the Korean script: 1446) compiled by Jiphyon-jon, the royal office of schloarly researches, Doongguk- jeonghun-yokhun (the orthodox script of Korean: 1448), Hongmu-jeonghun- yeokhun (interlinear gloss for the Chinese script of the Ming Dynasty: 1455), An Orthodox Approach to Written Korean (1909) by the institute of the National Script, The Standardized Spelling System (1933) by Chosun Language Society, An Authorized Dictionary of Standard Korean (1936), How to Write Borrowed Words (1940), and A Grand dictionary of Korea (1947-57). Chu Shi-Gyung's Phonetics of the Korean Script (1908), Korean Grammar (1910), and Sound Patterns of Korean (1914) were all written in this vein; so was Choi Hyun-Bae's Uri-mal-bon (the rudiments of Korean Grammar: 1929/1937).All these achievements in the study of the Korean language are the end-products of the constant endeavor to solve the issues related to the spoken and written forms of the Korean language. And this is how the uniqueness and autonomy of the language study in korea have been established. It should be borne in mind, however, that, in seeking solutions to the problems inherent in the Korean linguistic studies of foreign countries. On the contrary, they have been very active in accommodating such results. While they have set up their problem domains on the basis of the korean language, they been progressively open-minded in looking for the solutions to the problems at hand.


1. 국어학의 언어학적 연구 방법 및 태도에 대한 반성
  1.1. 국어학 연구사의 서술 태도와 국어학의 성격은 어떤 관계가 있는가?
  1.2. 언어 연구에서 연구사에 대한 이해는 왜 필요한가?
  1.3. 국어 연구에서 서양 언어학의 연구 방법은 어떤 의미를 갖는 것인가?
  1.4. 바람직한 언어 연구의 방법 및 태도는 어떠해야 하는가?
 2. 국어학의 언어학적 연구 방법에 대한 논의와 관련한 몇 가지 문제
  2.1. ‘종성부용초성’과 ‘팔종성가족용’의 음운론적인 인식과 관련한 문제
  2.2. ‘자운’의 개념 이해의 문제
  2.3. ‘단선적’ 음운 인식과 ‘비단선적’ 음운 인식에 관련한 문제
 3. 국어학의 연구 태도 및 발전 방향에 대한 몇 가지 생각
 인용 문헌


  • 임용기 Yong-Ki Lim. 연세대학교(Yonsei University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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