

한국어 피동문의 구조와 가능(potential)의 의미 해석-대조적 관점에서-


A Structure of Passive Constructions in Korean and their meaning ‘Potential’

목정수, 김영중

국제언어인문학회 인문언어 제8집 2006.12 pp.369-387
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Which syntactic function should we assign to the ‘ga-type’ constituent which occurs in the morphological passive constructions in Korean, [N0-neun N1-i Vpass-ending]? This problem is very important in two respects. First, a small change of status of the particle ‘i/ga’ can exert an overall influence on the Korean grammar. Second, the particle ‘-i/ga’ cannot guarantee that ‘ga-type’ constituents are subject of the sentence, so that the concept of syntactic category should be distinguished from that of syntactic function.This paper claims that the analysis of sentence has long been focused on the structure of proposition, namely the argument structure and that the direction of analysis should be turned to the ‘person structure’ which can be revealed on the pragmatic level. On the basis of this, this paper suggests that the specific type of the morphological passive constructions in Korean, [N0-neun N1-i Vpass-ending] should be analysed in line with the psych-verb constructions and that the modal meaning ‘potential’ of the passive constructions is correlated with sentence pattern and ‘person structure’.


1. 서론
 2. 한국어 타동사문의 경계
  2.1. 한국어 타동사 설정 기준의 문제
  2.2. 기술동사와 주관동사의 ‘가형 성분’의 통사적 기능
  2.3. 동사구 설정의 범위
 3. 한국어 피동문의 구조와 그 의미 해석
  3.1. 피동문과 주관동사 구문의 평행성
  3.2. 피동동사
  3.3. 피동 구성 {-어지다} 구성
  3.4. 피동구문에서 {-시}는 어떤 주어와 일치하는가?
  3.5. 피동동사의 의미
 4. 결론


  • 목정수 Jung-soo Mok. 서울시립대학교(University of Seoul)
  • 김영중 Yeong-jung Kim. 한국외국어대학교(Hankook University of Foreign Studies)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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