


한국어 중간구문에서 요구되는 부사어


A Study on Adverbial Needed for Korean Middle Constructions


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to study on a phenomenon where adverbials are strongly needed for Korean middle constructions in light of semantics and pragmatics. First, in light of pragmatics, it was found that middle construction is a universal phenomenon in typology, in which case adverbial is also strongly required in many languages. In the process, the prototypical features of middle constructions were discovered, which leads to the notion that they describe the general properties of generic subject ultimately. It was found in this study that the attributes of generic subject in the middle constructions can be applied to anyone, and these universal features originate from implicit argument. In addition, the attributes of subject cannot be explained enough only with semantic information of middle verbs so the middle construction itself lacks in information regardless of valency. This lack of informativeness is complemented by the role of “adverbial,” and this paper, with a focus on pragmatics, described that adverbial has a function of relational new information. Meanwhile, with regard to the informatively domain by adverbial, some cases were explored where several verbal elements were simultaneously involved to provide informativeness for the middle constructions, which resulted in the finding that the informative role of adverbial relatively decreases when the focus markers “i/ka” are added to the subject, but still remains larger than when combined with demonstrative and subject.


1. 서론
 2. 유형론적 관점에서 바라본 중간구문
  2.1 중간구문의 원형적 특징
  2.2 중간구문 부사어의 유형론적 관찰
 3. 부사어를 통한 중간구문의 정보성 부가
  3.1 부사어의 정보성 실현
  3.2 중간구문에서의 부사어
 4. 부사어의 정보성과 관련한 문제들
  4.1 부사어의 정보성 작용 영역
  4.2 ‘이/가’, ‘은/는’ 표지와 부사어
  4.3 지시사의 수식과 부사어
 5. 결론


  • 김푸른솔 Kim, Pureunsol. 서울대학교 인문대학 국어국문학과 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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