

제6분야 : 대학생 논문

핀을 부착한 공기식 태양광·열 복합모듈의 성능실험 평가


Experimental Performance Analysis of Air-Type PV/Thermal Combined Collectors with Fins Attached

김진희, 강준구, 김준태

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The temperature of PV modules integrated into building surface will rise as it is more difficult to expel the heat from PV module compared to stand alone installation in open structure. The PV module temperature takes an effect on the performance of the PV system: the high temperature will decrease the electricity generation of PV system. The hot air extracted from the space between PV modules and the building envelope can be used as a heat source in buildings. The release of hot air from this space will enhance the performance of the BIPV system as it lowers the temperature of the PV modules. The type of solar collector that utilizes these aspects is known as a PVT (photovoltaic/thermal) solar collector that combines PV modules and solar thermal air collectors. It is important to raise the air temperature from the PVT air collector that is related to lowering the PV module temperature. This paper compares the experimental performance of three different types of air-type PVT collectors that can be integrated into a roof structure. The base model with a 10cm gap of air space for forced ventilation and two other models with aluminum fins and copper fins, respectively, attached to a PV module to enhance the thermal performance of the collector. The experimental results showed that the use of fins improved PV's electrical efficiency which was 8~15% higher compared to that of the base model. Also, the thermal efficiency of the improved models was 23~53% higher compared to that of the base model. It is claimed that the improved PVT models with metal fins attached yield higher thermal and electrical efficiency than the base model, with better performance by enhancing heat transfer.


 1. 서 론
  1.1 연구배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구방법
 2. 공기식 태양광·열 복합 시스템 실험
  2.1 공기식 PVT 지붕시스템 기본유형
  2.2 공기식 PVT 지붕시스템 유형
  2.3 실험방법
 3. 공기식 PVT 지붕시스템 성능 실험결과
  3.1 공기식 PVT 복합 유닛의 열성능
  3.2 공기식 PVT 복합 유닛의 전기성능
 4. 결론


  • 김진희 Kim, Jin-Hee. 공주대 대학원 박사과정
  • 강준구 Kang, Jun-Gu. 공주대 대학원 석사과정
  • 김준태 Kim, Jun-Tae. 공주대 건축학부 부교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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