

마리아를 위한 변명-충서(忠恕)로「진흙」 다시 읽기


An Excuse for Maria: Reading "Clay" through Confucius` Concept of "Zhong-shu"


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to reconsider some aspects in the life of Maria, the heroine of “Clay” in James Joyce's Dubliners, from one of the viewpoints of Ancient Chinese philosophy, namely the concept of ‘Zhong-Shu(忠恕)'. So far in the history of criticism on this short story, the status of Maria has been swaying between that of an innocent woman who may well be regarded as stupid due to her excessive innocence, and that of a woman shrewd enough to conceal her weak points and desire in a subtle narrative of fantasy. However, reconsidered through the prism of ancient Chinese philosophy, her gnomon-like life, lacking an important part to be a whole, will be refurbished as a new life. This new perspective will offer an epiphany in a true sense to those who have explored, distorted and taken unconditional pity on her life inside and outside of the text. The reconsidered life of Maria as such shows that she is a “veritable peace-maker” and “proper mother” in a true sense, who has never had anyone do what she herself does not want to do, and further, has always had others do before her what she wants to do. All her attitudes toward her life and other people remind the reader of the concept of “Zhong-shu,” which claims, “Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself” and “Establish others on the ground where you wish to establish yourself, and bring others to reach where you wish to reach yourself.” Despite the numerous events, which offend her pride, ridicule her own self, and divulge her weak points, she proceeds with her life as a lady of real beauty who practices real love to others. Her love is embodied in her behavior, words, and thoughts as she manages to help and serve others while disregarding all the negative and offending circumstances. Her life as such is the incarnation of “Zhong-shu,” which Confucius maintains as “one all-pervading principle contained in his doctrine” and of epiphany, which Joyce makes use of to induce moving tears out of the eyes of Joe as a character and the reader.


I. 마리아, 마리아, 마리아...
 II. 일이관지: 공자 vs. 조이스
 III. 마리아의 충서 : 진흙 속의 진주
 IV. 결론


  • 김철수 Cheol-soo Kim. Jeonju University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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