

생물학적 활성물질에서 치아우식 예방제 개발에 관한 연구 I. 인조치아 disc PAHA의 제조 및 식물추출물들의 치아우식 예방효과


Study on the development of preventive agent of dental caries from biological active materials Development of disc PAHA for an artificial tooth and preventive effect on dental caries from plant extracts

이기용, 조효상, 윤정원, 허태련

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The objective of this study was to develop an artificial dentin for easy handle and accurate observation of the mechanism on dental caries and to screen biologically active materials from the extracts of traditional plants and fruits for prevention of early dental cares. In order to produce disc PAHA (artificial dentin), the powdered hydroxylapatite was immobilized in a 20% polyacrylamide gel. The characteristics of disc PAHA was very similar to the surface, figure and lattice of human enamel. After decalcification in 0.1M citric acid based on observation with SEM. The critical point of decalcification of disc PAHA by acids was found to be pH 5.0-5.5, which was hi agreement with human enamel. The degree of decalcification from disc PAHA in 0.1M citric acid solution was sixfold higher than that of human enamel. This result suggested that disc PAHA would be useful as a substitute of human enamel for in vitro experiment. The extracts of garlic and Flower Apple A, B seemed to inhibit growth of S. mutans. Especially, when the 300ul of its extracts added to the medium to incubate S. mutans, F. apple B showed strongly an inhibitory effect in both the growth of S. mutans and the synthesis of insoluble glucan.


 재료 및 방법
  인조치아의 제조
  식물추출물 제조방법
  AAS에 의한 칼슘정량 및 방사성 인 32P에 의한 탈회도 측정
  S. mutans 배양 및 증식에 다른 disc PAHA의 칼슘 탈회도 측정
  치아우식 예방효과의 1차 탐색
  치아우식 예방효과의 2차 탐색
 결과 및 고찰
  식물 및 열매류 추출물로부터 치아우식 예방효과 탐색
  꽃사과 B추출물의 부분정제


  • 이기용 Ki Yong Lee. 인하대학교 공과대학 생물공학과
  • 조효상 Hou Sang Cho. 수원대학교 공과대학 유전공학과
  • 윤정원 Jeong Weon Yoon. 수원대학교 공과대학 유전공학과
  • 허태련 Tae Ryon Hae. 인하대학교 공과대학 생물공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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