


국제이해교육의 음악교과교수법 사례 연구 - 일본 전통음악교수법의 현장연구를 중심으로 -


A Case Study on the Education of International Understanding in Music Education - Focused on Field Study about traditional Japanese Music -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Music is the medium to convey the human emotion directly to the human mind and facilitates the communication of language and custom with others. And it is possible to understand th times and cultural zone in which the music was generated because music itself contains the characteristic of the times and cultural zone in which it was made. Furthermore, it has the advantage that the subject of music can excitingly attain the difficult objective of education, international understanding. The curriculum of Korea has been reorganized seven times since the enactment and declaration of the 1st curriculum according to the Educational Law and its Enforcement Ordinance enacted in 1955. The nature of the music subject in the 7th Curriculum includes an understanding of basic musical concepts, the experience of diverse musical activities, interests in music and the attitude of enjoying participation in it and reflects the education of international understanding and multi-culturalism. ‘It is necessary to understand he feature of each musical culture and its historical and cultural value by meeting diverse times, style and cultural zone as well as our music and comparing the heritage of our musical culture and that of other countries. Thereby, it is necessary to succeed to and develop our musical culture and contribute to the new musical culture. This corresponds with an understanding of musical concepts through the music of diverse times and cultural zones. It is a high time to know that the music of other people as well as the music of one's people is valuable. When the musical value of other people comes to be understood in earnest, the musical educator of each country would come to have the 'comprehensive vision' and 'balance'. For this purpose, the musical educators of each country need to exchange information on the present situation and task of the education of their traditional music and can cooperate with each other when their mutual advantages are learnt and understood. This study was intended to understand Japanese music and contribute to the teaching method of learner-teacher of traditional Korean music education by investigating the case of traditional Japanese music education in the seminar in which I participated as the learner. The research method is the field study to understand traditional Japanese music while learning the representative Japanese string instrument of 'Goto' and the percussion instrument of 'Wadaiko'. The field study was conducted concerning the case of music education through the traditional Japanese musical instrument of 'Goto' and the case of the teaching method based on the traditional music performed in the traditional festival conducted in real life in relation to the theory and practice of current traditional Japanese music education provided for children based on the contents of the amended 7th Curriculum. This study is concerned with the contents of the teaching method of the teacher in which I participated in the learner's position because it is the case study of traditional Japanese music education concerning the teaching method of teaching-learning. The education of international understanding through music should be focused on enabling students to study the musical characteristic proper to a country and the knowledge or full story related to the music while experiencing the music of diverse countries. The teacher should develop the content and method of teaching and learning by cultivating the ability to know and recognize the value proper to diverse music of several countries. It is thought that the case of traditional Japanese music education presented in this study will be helpful for the teaching method of our traditional music as well as an understanding of traditional Japanese music. In addition, subsequent studies should be conducted concerning the cases of field music education of diverse foreign countries.


I. 머리말 : 음악교과를 통한 국제이해교육의 필요성
 II. 일본 전통음악교육의 교수법 사례 - 현장연구
  1. 음악놀이(게임)을 통한 전통음악교육의 교수법 연구
  2. 문화를 통한 전통음악교수법의 사례 - 전통축제 마쯔리()에서 연행되는 음악을 통해 일본 전통음악 리듬 익히기
 III. 맺는 말: 국제이해교육의 음악 교과 교수법 실천을 위하여


  • 홍주희 Hong, Joo-Hee. 제주대학교 교육대학 음악교육과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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