

패션 트렌드 정보 분석에 따른 여성 속옷 디자인 개발


The Development of Women's Innerwear Design according to the Fashion Trend Analysis

조윤경, 이윤미

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



For the past few years, the meaning of innerwear was just for protecting their body and basic clothes to wear under their outerwear, however it has been changed since last a few years because of the improvement of the consumers life styles and the changing of what they need. For example, most of consumers in the past were tend to buy innerwear either sanitary reasons or comfort to move, the other side, consumers today take a cautious attitude when they purchase innerwear not only comfort and function but also trend such as design, color and styles. As a matter of fact, the lingerie looks which is not distinguish between innerwear and outerwear were welcomed by famous designers after the 21th century. The many number of popular designers and entertainers make innerwear brand by their own name and make a big profit. They have something in common how they success their innerwear brand in that they immediately react latest trend for innerwear as well as outerwear. In these days, innerwear is one of the most important fashion trend. Recognizing to how innerwear is important to react fashion trend, this research will analysis the latest fashion trend and will focus on innerwear trend. After analysing carefully what's going on underwear upcoming trend, this research will suggest 2008/9’S FW innerwear trend divided into 5 main theme including items, color, print, pattern and details.


 I. 서 론
  1. 연구의 필요성
  2. 연구의 내용 및 방법
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 속옷의 개념
   1) 속옷의 분류
   2) 속옷의 역사
  2. 속옷의 마켓 현황
   1) 속옷 산업의 현황
   2) 속옷 산업의 발전 전략
  3. 08/09'S FW 트렌드 분석
   1) 2008/9'S FW FW Promostyle (프로모스틸)에서 제시한 4가지 테마
   2) 2008/9'S FW Nelly Rodi (넬리 로디)에서 제시한 4가지 테마
   3) 2008/9'S FW A+A touch Material(에이 플러스 에이)에서 제시한 6가지 테마
   4) 2008/9'S FW Pantone view(팬턴 뷰)에서 제시한 8가지 컬러 테마
   5) 2008/9'S FW Interfashion planning(인터패션 플래닝)에서 제시한 4가지 테마
   6) 2008/9'S FW SamsungDesignNet(삼성디자인넷)에서 제시한 4가지 테마
 III. 결과 및 논의
  1. 정보지 분석
  2. 디자인 제안
   1) 테마 1: Mixed Retro
   2) 테마 2: Preppy Kitsch
   3) 테마 3: Rich Tribal
   4) 테마 4: Misty Romantic
   5) 테마 5: Constructivist
 IV. 요약 및 결론


  • 조윤경 Cho, Yoon Kyung. 이화여자대학교 디자인 대학원 석사과정(Graduate student, Dept. of Fashion Design, Ewha Womans University)
  • 이윤미 Lee, Yoon Me. 한양여자대학 겸임교수(Concurrent professor, Dept. of Knit Fashion Design, Hanyang Women's College)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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