World Englishes : Motivating Students with the New Goals in EFL Classes
한국언어과학회 한국언어과학회 학술대회 4차 산업시대 언어학의 미래 2022.02 pp.243-252
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Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions of World Englishes: Implications for Teacher Training
한국중앙영어영문학회 영어영문학연구 제49권 1호 2007.03 pp.171-190
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International Cultures in the Framework of World Englishes : What Should EFL Teachers Do?
아시아영어교육학회 The Journal of AsiaTEFL Vol.8 No.1 2011.03 pp.111-137
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Students’ versus Teachers’ Attitudes and Perceptions towards World Englishes
한국중앙영어영문학회 영어영문학연구 제60권 3호 2018.09 pp.361-385
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Preparing Korean EFL learners for English Communication with World Englishes and EIL
아시아영어교육학회 The Journal of AsiaTEFL Vol.17 No.4 2020.12 pp.1310-1322
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Attitudes of Students in the Eight ASEAN Free Flow of Labor Professions towards World Englishes
아시아영어교육학회 The Journal of AsiaTEFL Vol.15 No.1 2018.03 pp.118-129
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Modern English for a Modern World, Introducing Global Englishes
아시아영어교육학회 The Journal of AsiaTEFL Vol.14 No.2 2017.06 pp.378-379
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국제문화기술진흥원 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology (JCCT) Vol.7 No.1 2021.02 pp.234-239
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Reconsideration of the Development of Rating Criteria in Operational Language Testing Contexts
한국중앙영어영문학회 영어영문학연구 제50권 3호 2008.09 pp.111-133
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Expanding Circle Learners in an Outer Circle Environment and the Role of World Englishes
대한영어영문학회 대한영어영문학회 학술대회 Glocalizing the English Language, Literature, and Culture in Asia 2015.10 pp.17-20
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