True Planning 모델과 공학적 추정법을 활용한 비용분석에 관한 연구
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True Liberty from Sexual Revolution : A Perspective from Uniticationism
선문대학교 통일사상연구원 Journal of Unification Thought VOLUME 5 Number 1 2007.02 pp.214-231
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A True Family Values Head-Wing Strategy for Korean Unification
선문대학교 통일사상연구원 The Journal of Unification Thought VOLUME 2 2022.02 pp.29-70
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Homoousia as True Parental Nature : Understanding through the Resemblance to the Divine Image
선문대학교 통일사상연구원 The Journal of Unification Thought VOLUME 1 2021.01 pp.123-151
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Who Are True Believers? - Analyzing the Determinants of Trust in Rumors about Nuclear Power Energy -
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ls Casey True? - A Defence for John's Historicity
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선문대학교 통일사상연구원 Journal of Unification Thought VOLUME 4 Number 1 2006.02 pp.161-202
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"God is True and Every Man A Liar" : Problems of Language in Robert Brownings Poetry
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Harry Potter in True Translation : Long Live the Original
한국통역번역학회 FORUM Volume.12 No.2 2014.10 pp.1-24
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A Stream based Patching for True VoD
국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 2 Number 1 2014.06 pp.14-19
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Histological and Genetic Characterization of True Hermaphroditism in Korean Pigs
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A Study of 0.5-bit Resolution for True-Time Delay of Phased-Array Antenna System
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Theological Exploration on the Role of Attendance to True Parents as a Path to Achieving World Peace
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마틴 로이드 존스의 성령 세례 이해와 진정한 설교(True Preaching)에 관한 연구
수도국제대학원대학교(구 국제신학대학원대학교) 국제신학 제24권 2022.12 pp.107-139
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