Peace Studies as Basis of Academic Discipline and Rev. Moon's Peace Thoughts and Activities
선문대학교 통일사상연구원 Journal of Unification Thought VOLUME 4 Number 2 2006.09 pp.330-347
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Towards Peace through Dialogue : The 11th Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity
제주평화연구원 JPI Research Series 2016 동아시아 평화와 협력을 위한 대화 2016.12 pp.305-307
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Peace Values Through Photovoice : A PALAR Project with Indonesian EFL Islamic Secondary Teachers
아시아영어교육학회 The Journal of AsiaTEFL Vol.21 No.4 2024.12 pp.891-899
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Peace in Northeast Asia : the U.S.-China relationship
제주평화연구원 JPI Peace Net No. 2019-20 2019.12 pp.1-3
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Sustainable Peace in Northeast Asia by Yong-Shik Lee
한국제도경제학회 제도와 경제 제18권 제1호 통권 51호 2024.02 pp.-6--1
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Comprehensive Peace and Security Zone in Korea and Northeast Asia
제주평화연구원 JPI Peace Net No. 2019-21 2019.12 pp.1-5
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Achieving Peace and Stability : Drawing Some Best Practices from Southeast Asia
제주평화연구원 JPI Research Series 제주평화연구원 연구총서 43 2018.12 pp.358-364
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Achieving Peace and Stability : Drawing Some Best Practices from Southeast Asia
제주평화연구원 JPI Peace Net No. 2018-56 2018.11 pp.1-4
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The Peace Process in Myanmar : Challenges and Prospects
제주평화연구원 JPI Research Series 2014 동아시아 평화와 협력을 위한 대화 2014.12 pp.144-148
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East Asian Peace and Unification Thought
선문대학교 통일사상연구원 The Journal of Unification Thought VOLUME 3 2024.02 pp.1-5
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Re-imagining Peace and Reconciliation between South and North Korea in the Missiological Perspective
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“Love and Peace or Else” : 록밴드 U2의 음악과 활동 속의 평화 이야기
한국문화신학회 한국문화신학회 단행본 평화의 신학 : 한반도에서 신학으로 평화만들기 2019.07 pp.322-350
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