Acetylcholinesterase, inflammation, and diabetic inhibitory activities of Lentinus giganteus
한국버섯학회 버섯 제18권 1호 통권 29호 2014.06 pp.121-122
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Nutritional Value and Anti-inflammation Activity of Misutkaru with Added Gryllus bimaculatus Powder
한국피부과학연구원 아시안뷰티화장품학술지 제19권 제3호 통권 제69호 2021.09 pp.467-476
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Effects of Amentoflavone on Anti-inflammation and Cytoprotection
한국피부과학연구원 아시안뷰티화장품학술지 제14권 제2호 통권 제49호 2016.06 pp.201-211
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Cabin1 Regulates FLS Apoptosis and Inflammation in Mice with Collagen Induced Arthritis
한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) Reproductive & Developmental Biology(Supplement) Volume 36 No 2 Supplement 2012.06 p.161
The Effects of Line Dance on Immune function and Inflammation for Elderly Women
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Histone Deactylase Inhibitors as Novel Target for Cancer, Diabetes, and Inflammation
조선대학교 기초과학연구원 통합자연과학논문집(구 조선자연과학논문집) 제6권 1호 2013.03 pp.57-63
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한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) Reproductive & Developmental Biology(Supplement) Volume 31 No 2 Supplement 2007.06 p.96
Low dose rate radiation regulates M2-like macrophages in an allergic airway inflammation mouse model
대한방사선방어학회 대한방사선방어학회 학술발표회 논문요약집 2022년도 대한방사선방어학회 춘계학술대회 2022.04 pp.158-159
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