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국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 9 Number 3 2021.09 pp.212-220
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A Study on Diabetes Management System Based on Logistic Regression and Random Forest
한국인터넷방송통신학회 The International Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Volume 13 Number 2 2024.06 pp.61-68
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Effect of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes on Bone and Heart Development in Juvenile Rats
한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) Reproductive & developmental biology Volume 34 No 2 2010.06 pp.81-88
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A Research on Accuracy Improvement of Diabetes Recognition Factors Based on XGBoost
한국인터넷방송통신학회 The International Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Volume 10 Number 2 2021.06 pp.73-78
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Impact of exercise on hippocampal neurogenesis in hyperglycemic diabetes
한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.16 No.2 2020.04 pp.115-117
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Histone Deactylase Inhibitors as Novel Target for Cancer, Diabetes, and Inflammation
조선대학교 기초과학연구원 조선자연과학논문집 제6권 1호 2013.03 pp.57-63
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Assessment of Metformin Use in Korean Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
한국임상약학회 한국임상약학회 학술대회 Progress Reports and Issues of Clinical Pharmacy Education and Practice in Asian Countries 2004.07 p.88
한국임상약학회 한국임상약학회 학술대회 Progress Reports and Issues of Clinical Pharmacy Education and Practice in Asian Countries 2004.07 p.106
A research on the key factors for classification of diabetes based on random forest
한국인터넷방송통신학회 International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication Vol.12 No.3 2020.08 pp.102-107
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Implantation Rate increased by Uterus Endometrial Injury in Spontaneous Diabetes Mellitus Rat
한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) 발생공학 국제심포지엄 및 학술대회 Recent Advances in Developmental and Reproductive Biotechnology 2017.10 p.77
Primary prevention of coronary heart disease in type 2 Diabetes mellitus
한국임상약학회 한국임상약학회 학술대회 Progress Reports and Issues of Clinical Pharmacy Education and Practice in Asian Countries 2004.07 p.109
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