산림훼손지 복원을 위한 Soil bioengineering 기술 개발(II) - 식생종의 파종 및 생육 특성 -
한국산림공학회 한국산림공학회지 제4권 제3호 통권 11호 2006.12 pp.208-215
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산림훼손지 복원을 위한 Soil bioengineering 기술 개발(III) - 훼손경과년수에 따른 침입식생의 계량생태학적 분석 -
한국산림공학회 한국산림공학회지 제4권 제3호 통권 11호 2006.12 pp.216-225
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산림훼손지복원을 위한 Soil Bioengineering 기술개발(V)-관목류의 뿌리인발저항 특성-
강원대학교 산림과학연구소 Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 제24권 제2호 2008.12 pp.111-118
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강원대학교 산림과학연구소 Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 제30권 제4호 2014.11 pp.370-377
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한국인터넷방송통신학회 The International Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Volume 9 Number 1 2020.03 pp.19-28
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A Study to Develop a Method to Diagnose Contaminated Soil Using Distribution of Soil Bacteria
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Soil Sampling Procedure for Management and Analysis of Legacy Sites in the Korean Peninsula
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Soil Properties Under Different Vegetation Types in Chittagong University Campus, Bangladesh
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Soil Analysis of Urban Forests in Daejeon Metropolitan, in Korea
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Soil Properties in Two Forest Sites in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
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Diversity of soil fungi in the hyposphere of six wild mushrooms fruited in Jeju Island
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