Semiconductor Characteristics Prediction with Gaussian Process Regression
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Semiconductor-based Radiation Detector and Imaging System
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EV Spreads and Semiconductor Convergence Study according to Price Inflection Points
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Sample Generation of Semiconductor Characteristics Using Interpolation and cGAN
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A Neural Network-based Semiconductor Price Prediction System
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Effect of Thermal Discharge from Semiconductor Factory into Stream on Freshwater Fish
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한국인터넷방송통신학회 International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication Vol.9 No.2 2017.05 pp.20-26
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한국인터넷방송통신학회 International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication Vol.16 No.4 2024.12 pp.265-272
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Emission Characteristics of VOCs Distributions in Semiconductor Workplace
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A Study on Development of a PIN Semiconductor Detector for Measuring Individual Dose
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Experiment on Linearity and Energy Dependence of Si Semiconductor Diode by Irradiation
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Comparison of Compton PET and conventional micro-PET using semiconductor and scintillation detector
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Analysis of Neutron Responses with a Thin-film Coated Semiconductor Radiation Detector
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