Which Style of Security Cooperation for Northeast Asia : A Comparison of Europe and Southeast Asia
제주평화연구원 JPI Research Series 2015 동아시아 평화와 협력을 위한 대화 2015.12 pp.332-338
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Northeast Asia Nuclear Safety Cooperation : The Case for Russia-South Korea Partnership
제주평화연구원 JPI Research Series 2015 동아시아 평화와 협력을 위한 대화 2015.12 pp.221-230
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Northeast Asia Energy Cooperation with Russia and Methodology of Financing
아시아유럽미래학회 유라시아연구 제4권 제1호 통권 제7호 2007.06 pp.147-171
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Peace in Northeast Asia : the U.S.-China relationship
제주평화연구원 JPI Peace Net No. 2019-20 2019.12 pp.1-3
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Explaining the Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative(NAPCI)
제주평화연구원 JPI Research Series 2014 동아시아 평화와 협력을 위한 대화 2014.12 pp.64-68
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Sustainable Peace in Northeast Asia by Yong-Shik Lee
한국제도경제학회 제도와 경제 제18권 제1호 통권 51호 2024.02 pp.-6--1
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Human Security in Northeast Asia : Searching for Regional Cooperation
건국대학교 KU중국연구원 Open Regional Studies Vol.2 No.1 2023.02 pp.1-22
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Study of the Northeast Asia’s Confidence Building Mechanism on Geo-Strategic Perspective
원광대학교 한중관계연구원 한중관계연구 제5권 제1호 2019.02 pp.163-197
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동북아의 역기능적 외교 (Northeast Asia’s Dysfunctional Diplomacy)
제주평화연구원 JPI Research Series 2015 동아시아 평화와 협력을 위한 대화 2015.12 pp.255-258
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Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Its Implications for Regional Politics
제주평화연구원 JPI Research Series Peace and Security in Northeast Asia ; Ways for Institutionalization 2009.11 pp.217-242
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Energy Security in Northeast Asia : Catalyst for Confrontation or Cooperation?
아시아유럽미래학회 유라시아연구 제1권 제1호 창간호 2004.06 pp.263-286
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Ulan-Ude Summit and Northeast Asia’s Security Perspective
제주평화연구원 JPI Research Series Dialogue for Peace and Cooperation in East Asia 2011.12 pp.88-92
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New Alliance Dynamics in Northeast Asia: Abandonment, Entrapment, Deterrence, and Autonomy
제주평화연구원 JPI Research Series Peace and Security in Northeast Asia ; Ways for Institutionalization 2009.11 pp.21-73
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Future of Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia and South Korea's Vision
제주평화연구원 Jeju Forum Journal 2022-Vol. 2 2022.12 pp.18-22
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한국무역금융보험학회(구 한국무역보험학회) 무역금융보험연구(구 무역보험연구) 제15권 제3호 2014.09 pp.263-280
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A Nuclear-Free-Zone in Northeast Asia : Its Prospect and Challenge
제주평화연구원 JPI Research Series Dialogue for Peace and Cooperation in East Asia 2011.12 pp.114-119
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"Greater Tumen Initiative" and Cooperation in Northeast Asia
제주평화연구원 JPI Peace Net No. 2010-3 2010.02 pp.1-2
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