Hospitality and Tourism Business Forecasting - A Comprehensive Literature Review -
한국관광식음료학회 관광식음료경영연구 Volume 13 NUMBER 1 2002.05 pp.119-145
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Literature Review on Transit Waiting Time
한국ITS학회 한국ITS학회 학술대회 Net-Zero Mobility 2023.04 pp.661-665
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Literature Review about Virtual Reality-Based Education for Healthcare Students
국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 10 Number 4 2022.12 pp.345-354
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Literature review: Factors which influence the coverage of social health insurance in Mongolia
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 한국-몽골 협력에 관한 이슈와 주변국 사례 활용 2011.07 pp.15-21
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Systematic Literature Review on Nursing Department Clinical Practice Research in Korea
국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 11 Number 3 2023.09 pp.142-148
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A Literature Review on Enterprise Architecture : Towards a Research Agenda
한국경영정보학회 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 제31권 제3호 2021.09 pp.296-334
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A literature review of quality, costs, process-associated with digital pathology
한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.17 No.1 2021.02 pp.11-14
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A literature review on the relationship between personal traits and language learning
중소기업융합학회 융합정보논문지(구 중소기업융합학회논문지) 제10권 제6호 2020.06 pp.147-155
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Systematic Literature Review on Cloud Adoption
한국인터넷방송통신학회 International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication Vol.8 No.2 2016.05 pp.1-22
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A Literature Review and Classification of International Electronic Commerce Research
한국경영정보학회 한국경영정보학회 정기 학술대회 2004년 춘계학술대회 2004.06 pp.158-164
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A Systematic Literature Review Towards Service Oriented Architecture Adoption from 2009 to 2015
한국인터넷방송통신학회 The International Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Volume 7 Number 3 2018.09 pp.79-91
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Services, Processes and Routines:Literature review and implications
한국경영정보학회 한국경영정보학회 정기 학술대회 Service Management and Innovation with Information Technology 2011.06 pp.260-271
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Urology as rehabilitation medicine: a literature review
한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.14 No.3 2018.06 pp.322-326
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OM-Finance interface : a literature review
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 The Policy Issues of the Economic, Industrial and Cultural among Korea, Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2016.11 pp.235-238
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Students’ Understanding of the Derivative - Literature Review of English and Korean Publications -
한국학교수학회 한국학교수학회논문집 제15권 제2호 2012.06 pp.331-348
Effects of kinesiotaping on knee osteoarthritis: a literature review
한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.15 No.4 2019.08 pp.498-503
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Artificial Intelligence as a Vehicle for Innovation : Literature Review and Bibliometric Study
한국경영정보학회 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 제32권 제4호 2022.12 pp.916-944
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Role of Social Media in Online Radicalization : Literature Review and Research Agenda
한국경영정보학회 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 제29권 제2호 2019.06 pp.268-282
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Surface Electromyography Evaluation Method for Dysphagia : A Literature Review
대한연하재활학회 Swallowing Rehabilitation 제1권 제2호 2018.09 pp.35-40
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