Market Discipline by Wholesale Financiers Revisited
한국재무학회 한국재무학회 학술대회 2014년 5개 학회 공동학술연구발표회 2014.05 pp.388-414
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The Traditional Discipline of the Poet
한국중앙영어영문학회 영어영문학연구 제27권 1985.12 pp.229-246
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Systematization of the Discipline of Ethics and Unification Thought
선문대학교 통일사상연구원 Journal of Unification Thought VOLUME 2 Number 2 2004.09 pp.294-337
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Bank Funding Structure, Market Discipline, and Credit Supply
한국재무학회 한국재무학회 학술대회 2015 재무금융 관련 5개 학회 학술연구발표회 2015.05 pp.317-370
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Performance of Prioritized Service Discipline Based on Hop Count for Optical Burst Swiched Networks
한국정보통신설비학회 정보통신설비학회논문지 제6권 제3호 2007.09 pp.1-7
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Crowdfunding Research in the Information Systems Discipline and Beyond : Development and Outlook
한국경영정보학회 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 제31권 제4호 2021.12 pp.575-581
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Chinese Interpreting Studies: Genesis of a Discipline
한국통역번역학회 FORUM Volume.12 No.2 2014.10 pp.159-190
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Peace Studies as Basis of Academic Discipline and Rev. Moon's Peace Thoughts and Activities
선문대학교 통일사상연구원 Journal of Unification Thought VOLUME 4 Number 2 2006.09 pp.330-347
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한국경영정보학회 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 제34권 제1호 2024.03 pp.49-90
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The Importance of Prayer in Theology as Academic Discipline
숭실대학교 한국기독교문화연구원 기독교와 문화(구 한국기독교문화연구) 제17집 2022.06 pp.181-214
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Too Many To Fail : The Effect of Regulatory Forbearance on Market Discipline
한국재무학회 한국재무학회 학술대회 2012년 KFA&TFA Joint Conference in Finance 2012.09 pp.1056-1093
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