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Through the Development of Care Relief Complex(CRC) Community Development Strategy
국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 12 Number 4 2024.12 pp.37-45
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Line's Development Strategy in the Mobile Instant Messenger Industry
국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 10 Number 4 2022.12 pp.389-395
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The Development Strategy of Innovation Clusters in Gyeonggi Province
혁신클러스터학회 혁신클러스터연구 제4권 제1호 통권 제4호 2011.12 pp.45-51
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The global development strategy of the children’s publishing industry in Korea with SWOT-AHP
한국무역금융보험학회(구 한국무역보험학회) 무역금융보험연구(구 무역보험연구) 제23권 제3호 2022.06 pp.75-86
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Research on Development Strategy Based on Domestic Sleep Industry Survey
한국인터넷방송통신학회 International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication Vol.12 No.2 2020.05 pp.59-65
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EFL Listeners’ Strategy Development and Listening Problems : A Process-Based Study
아시아영어교육학회 The Journal of AsiaTEFL Vol.10 No.3 2013.09 pp.81-101
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Research on The Development Strategy of Green Logistics of SF Express
한국경영실무학회 한국경영실무학회 학술발표대회논문집 ESG경영 실천전략방안 모색 2023.12 pp.65-74
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Dementia Response Technology Development Strategy through PEST-SWOT Analysis
한국인터넷방송통신학회 The International Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Volume 9 Number 1 2020.03 pp.185-192
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A Study on the Development Strategy of Product Brand Using Local Agricultural Products Period
한국인터넷방송통신학회 The International Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Volume 11 Number 1 2022.03 pp.70-75
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A Study on the Development Strategy of National Crisis Management Policy
위기관리 이론과 실천 Journal of Safety and Crisis Management Vol. 11 No. 6 2021.12 pp.15-19
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A Study on Vietnam's Sustainable Development Strategy in the Post-corona Era
건국대학교 KU중국연구원 Open Regional Studies Vol.2 No.2 2023.06 pp.57-77
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A study on Decline and Development Strategy of Local Universities
국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 9 Number 2 2021.06 pp.10-17
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A Study on the Rural Development Strategy of the Saemaul Movement in 1970s
대한지방자치학회 한국지방자치연구 제13권 제3호 통권36호 2011.11 pp.115-127
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국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 9 Number 2 2021.06 pp.1-9
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Forming "Green Hope Community" : A New Regional Development Strategy
한국지역개발학회 한국지역개발학회지 제24권 1호 제70집 2012.03 pp.41-62
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