고객의 관계편익(Relationship Benefits)지각이 서비스성과에 미치는 영향 분석
한국전략마케팅학회 마케팅논집 제8집 제2권 통권 제16호 1999.10 pp.83-118
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강원대학교 산림과학연구소 Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 제40권 제3호 2024.09 pp.188-195
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The benefits of combining water and land-based therapy
한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.16 No.1 2020.02 pp.20-26
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Line of Duty Death Benefits for Police Officers in the United States
한국경찰복지연구학회 경찰복지연구 제6권 제1호 통권 제10호 2018.06 pp.31-43
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Teleconsultation Technology and Its Benefits:In the Case of Public Hospitals in Malaysia
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Computer Utilization and Perceived Benefits of Business Managers
한국경영정보학회 한국경영정보학회 정기 학술대회 1993년 춘계학술대회 1993.06 pp.347-364
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Effect of Cosmetics Store Relational Benefits on Affective Commitment and Long-term Relationships
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Consumer Preference for Credit Card Benefits : The Effect of Pro-Environmental Disposition
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Korean ESL Students’ Perceptions of Benefits from American Friends
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The Dark Side of Private Benefits : Implications from Block Trades
한국재무학회 한국재무학회 학술대회 2009년 경영관련학회 통합학술대회(재무학회-증권학회 세션) 2009.08 pp.283-306
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The Dark Side of Private Benefits : Implications from Block Trades
한국재무학회 한국재무학회 학술대회 2009년 5개 학회 공동학술연구발표회 2009.05 pp.55-81
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Water-based Tai Chi : theoretical benefits in musculoskeletal diseases. Current evidence
한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.11 No.3 2015.06 pp.120-124
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An Examination of International Portfolio Diversification Benefits for Korean Investors
한국재무학회 한국재무학회 학술대회 2008년 경영관련학회 통합학술대회(재무학회-증권학회 세션) 2008.08 pp.280-307
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