Status Survey, Mechanism Analysis and Planning for Prevention Works of Land Creeping
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A Study on the Relation of Foreign Matters Risks in Food and Corporate Value
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※ 기관로그인 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다.
Dipeptide Containing Media Enhanced the Development of Porcine Parthenotes
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Estimation of Characteristics of Wildfire Surface Fuel for Pinus Rigida Stands in Chungnam Province
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Analysis on the Status of Earthquake-Induced Ground-Failure based on the Reviewed Worldwide Database
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[Kisti 연계] 대한수학회 대한수학회지 Vol.28 No.2 1991 pp.267-274
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[Kisti 연계] 대한의학유전학회 Journal of genetic medicine Vol.18 No.1 2021 pp.48-54
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Genetic Diversity of the Pear Scab Fungus Venturia nashicola in Korea
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[Kisti 연계] 대한소아과학회 Korean journal of pediatrics Vol.58 No.9 2015 pp.347-353
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[Kisti 연계] 한국미생물ㆍ생명공학회 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.25 No.9 2015 pp.1460-1466
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[Kisti 연계] 대한성형외과학회 Archives of plastic surgery Vol.41 No.6 2014 pp.654-660
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Development of On-site Heat Loss Audit and Energy Consulting System for Greenhouse
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[Kisti 연계] 대한전기학회 Journal of electrical engineering & technology Vol.8 No.1 2013 pp.190-196
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Gram-Negative Bacteria’s Outer Membrane Vesicles
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