Communication Qualities, Quantity, and Satisfaction in Newly Developing Relationships
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Fates of ECM Matrices and Nucleic Acids during Decellularization of Adult Mouse Heart
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Effects of Embryo Transfer Media on Porcine Parthenogenetic Embryos
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Improving Social Safety Nets for the Elderly Living Alone in Rural Areas Using Post Officers
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Prioritizing Disaster Management Measures for Effective Management of Earthquakes
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Minipig Adipose Tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Pig Cloning
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Effect of Follicular Fluid Concentration on In Vitro Maturation of Porcine Oocytes
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Anti-tyrosinase, Anti-elastase and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Vanadium-containing Jeju Water
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Inhibitory Effects of Cinnamomum cassia Bark - derived Material on Mushroom Tyrosinase
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Hepatoprotective Effects of Allium cepa Linn Extract on Acetaminophen-induced Liver Damage in Mice
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