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[Kisti 연계] 한국미생물ㆍ생명공학회 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.24 No.12 2014 pp.1597-1605
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[Kisti 연계] 한국미생물ㆍ생명공학회 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.22 No.12 2012 pp.1776-1781
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[Kisti 연계] 한국고분자학회 Macromolecular research Vol.14 No.1 2006 pp.101-106
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[Kisti 연계] 한국균학회 한국균학회지 Vol.48 No.2 2020 pp.135-149
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[Kisti 연계] 한국조류학회(藻類) ALGAE Vol.28 No.4 2013 pp.343-354
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[Kisti 연계] 대한화학회 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.34 No.8 2013 pp.2425-2430
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