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The Effects of Different Banking Systems on Firms on Bankruptcy and Debt Financing : China vs. Korea
한국재무학회 한국재무학회 학술대회 2013년 5개 학회 공동학술연구발표회 2013.05 pp.1622-1642
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IPO of Chinese Firms : Where and When Does Underpricing Exist?
한국재무학회 한국재무학회 학술대회 2012년 한국재무학회 추계학술대회 2012.11 pp.264-286
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※ 원문제공기관과의 협약기간이 종료되어 열람이 제한될 수 있습니다.
Mechanical Properties and Morphology of Polyamide/Polypropylene Blends
[Kisti 연계] 한국고무학회 Elastomers and composites Vol.55 No.1 2020 pp.1-5
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[Kisti 연계] 한국분석과학회 분석과학 Vol.8 No.4 1995 pp.465-468
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[Kisti 연계] 생화학분자생물학회 BMB reports Vol.55 No.5 2022 pp.226-231
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[Kisti 연계] 대한신경외과학회 대한신경외과학회지 Vol.63 No.5 2020 pp.657-663
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Combination Radioimmunotherapy Approaches and Quantification of Immuno-PET
[Kisti 연계] 대한핵의학회 Nuclear medicine and molecular imaging : NMMI Vol.50 No.2 2016 pp.104-111
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Knowledge Extractions, Visualizations, and Inference from the big Data in Healthcare and Medical
[Kisti 연계] 한국지능시스템학회 Journal of Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Vol.23 No.5 2013 pp.400-405
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[Kisti 연계] 한국경영과학회 International journal of management science Vol.10 No.2 2004 pp.1-28
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Erratum to: Exercise-induced beige adipogenesis of iWAT in Cidea reporter mice
[Kisti 연계] 생화학분자생물학회 BMB reports Vol.55 No.7 2022 p.360
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Exercise-induced beige adipogenesis of iWAT in Cidea reporter mice
[Kisti 연계] 생화학분자생물학회 BMB reports Vol.55 No.4 2022 pp.187-191
협약을 통해 무료로 제공되는 자료로, 원문이용 방식은 연계기관의 정책을 따르고 있습니다.
Korean Red Ginseng exerts anti-inflammatory and autophagy-promoting activities in aged mice
[Kisti 연계] 고려인삼학회 Journal of ginseng research Vol.45 No.6 2021 pp.717-725
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Six New Recorded Species of Macrofungi on Gayasan National Park in Korea
[Kisti 연계] 한국균학회 한국균학회지 Vol.49 No.3 2021 pp.385-392
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First Report of Six Macrofungi from Daecheongdo and Socheongdo Islands, Korea
[Kisti 연계] 한국균학회 Mycobiology Vol.49 No.5 2021 pp.454-460
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[Kisti 연계] 한국수산과학회 Fisheries and aquatic sciences Vol.23 No.7 2020 p.19
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[Kisti 연계] 대한기생충학회 기생충학잡지 Vol.57 No.3 2019 pp.283-290
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[Kisti 연계] 아세아태평양축산학회 Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences Vol.31 No.9 2018 pp.1458-1463
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