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한국버섯학회 한국버섯학회 국제학술대회 제6회 2010.11 p.118
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The Impacts of Medical Tourism Coordinators' Job Characteristics and Job Burnout on Job Satisfaction
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Characteristics of the Red Rice Fermented with Fungus Monascus
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P2 - 4s : Development of Functional Jeungpyun with dietary Fiber and Shelf - life Studies
한국식품과학회 한국식품과학회 학술대회 1999년도 식품관련학회 춘계 연합학술대회 논문초록집 1999.06 p.332
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[Kisti 연계] 한국원자력학회 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.52 No.10 2020 pp.2299-2305
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[Kisti 연계] 대한수학회 대한수학회논문집 Vol.8 No.4 1993 pp.579-585
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Observation of a persistent Leonid meteor trail with an all-sky camera at Mt. Bohyun
[Kisti 연계] 한국천문학회 한국천문학회보 Vol.27 No.1 2002 p.31
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[Kisti 연계] 한국미생물ㆍ생명공학회 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.29 No.11 2019 pp.1693-1706
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Prevention of Implant Malposition in Inframammary Augmentation Mammaplasty
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