Development and Effectiveness of an Individual Cognitive Behavioral Program for Suicide Attempters
위기관리 이론과 실천 Journal of Safety and Crisis Management Vol. 13 No. 12 2023.12 pp.13-22
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A Study on the Establishment of a New Quarantine System in the COVID-19 Era
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Imperatives of Care: Women and Medicine in Colonial Korea By Sonja M. Kim
계명대학교 한국학연구원 Acta Koreana VOLUME 24 NUMBER 1 2021.06 pp.157-160
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Investor attention and the risk-return trade-off
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Fear of falling and associated factors among patients with peripheral vestibular hypofunction
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Dual Effect of Price in E-Commerce Environment : Focusing on Trust and Distrust Building Processes
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High Frequency Trading in the Korean Index Futures Market
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Antimicrobial Activities against Skin Flora from Tart-cherry Extracts (Prnus cerasus)
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Policy-augmented Human Capital : A Key Factor to the Rapid Economic Development in Korea
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