A Study on the Way to Revitalize Resident Notification System of Hazardous Chemicals
위기관리 이론과 실천 한국위기관리논집 제14권 제6호 2018.06 pp.41-50
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Effect of Inorganic Nanocomposite Based Liners on Deodorization of Kimchi
한국포장학회 한국포장학회지 Vol. 27 No. 2 2021.08 pp.55-62
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Transobturator four-arms mesh in the surgical management of cystocele: a long-term follow-up
한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.17 No.1 2021.02 pp.59-65
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Novel psammaplin A derivatives sensitize human cancer cells to X-ray irradiation
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Why Do Customers Purchase from a Website? Activity-based Web Presence Readiness Model
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한국학교수학회 한국학교수학회논문집 제14권 제4호 2011.12 pp.477-490
Weight Loss Effect of Natural Product, Corni fructus, Based on Anti-angiogenesis
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Changes of Antioxidant Activities of Ecklonia cava with Harvesting Period
한국식품과학회 Food Science and Biotechnology Volume 13 Number 3 2004.06 pp.362-366
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Purification and Characterization of Complement Activating Polysaccharide from Unripe Peach
한국식품과학회 Food Science and Biotechnology Volume 12 Number 2 2003.04 pp.171-177
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Digging into Glycome of Commercial Erythropoietin (EPO) Variants by Mass Spectrometry
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Analytical Platform for Glycomic Characterization of Biosimilars by Mass Spectrometry
한국당과학회 한국당과학회 학술대회 4th Asian Communications of Glycobiology and Glycotechnology" 2012.10 p.93
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Composition for Anti-Angiogenesis containing Tea-Saponin E 1 as an Effective Ingredient
한국생물공학회 한국생물공학회 학술대회 2012 추계학술대회 2012.09 p.43
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Inhibitory Effects of Anthrisci Radix Extract on Angiogenesis and Adipogenesis
한국생물공학회 한국생물공학회 학술대회 2011 추계학술대회 및 국제심포지움 2011.10 p.308
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한국식품과학회 Food Science and Biotechnology Volume 18 Number 5 2009.10 pp.1193-1198
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한국식품과학회 Food Science and Biotechnology Volume 18 Number 2 2009.04 pp.463-470
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Modulation of Bacteria with a Combination of Natural Products in KIMCHI Fermentation
한국생물공학회 KSBB Journal 제23권 제2호 2008.04 pp.118-124
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