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결과 내 검색
An Analysis of Differences in Expected Learning Outcomes of Adult Learners in Higher Education : Focusing on Personal Backgrounds KCI 등재
Jihoe, Park, Sumee, Park, Hyunyoung, Ahn
한국성인계속교육학회 성인계속교육연구 제14권 제3호 2023.09 pp.115-144
※ 기관로그인 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다.
A study on the effects of personal background, learning characteristics, participation motivation, and learning experiences on lifelong learning outcomes of adult learners in college KCI 등재
Jihoe, Park, Hyun, Kim, Young Ran, Lee
한국성인계속교육학회 성인계속교육연구 제14권 제2호 2023.06 pp.55-75
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