Utilization of L-camitine to Improve Cryo-Tolerance of Bovine Oocytes and Embryos
한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) 발생공학 국제심포지엄 및 학술대회 제12회 2012.10 pp.10-11
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한국임상약학회 한국임상약학회 학술대회 Progress Reports and Issues of Clinical Pharmacy Education and Practice in Asian Countries 2004.07 p.34
Smart Cities’ Automatic Image-Based Waste Segregation through an Intelligent Agent Using CNN
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Assessing the Performance of Pongamia pinnata (l.) Pierre under Ex-situ Condition in Karnataka
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Testicular and epididymal ultrasonography for the assessment of semen quality in the indigenous ram
한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) Journal of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Volume. 36 No. 4 2021.12 pp.212-219
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Surface Treatment of Eggshells with Low-Energy Electron Beam
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Pregnancy diagnosis in goat by using vaginal cytology and trans-abdominal ultrasonography
한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) Journal of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Volume. 35 No. 4 2020.12 pp.338-346
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Litter Decomposition Process in Coffee Agroforestry Systems
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Growth variation in a natural japanese population of Pleurocybella porrigens
한국버섯학회 한국버섯학회 국제학술대회 제6회 2010.11 pp.104-105
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Patient compliance instruction for cerebral infarction patients at neurology ward in Hosptal
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An Agent - Based Supply Chain Management Model
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