A Study on the Establishment of Safe Work Environment for Young Workers
위기관리 이론과 실천 한국위기관리논집 제14권 제12호 2018.12 pp.85-98
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Improving the Chemical Accidents Prevention Management System
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DJ-1 Gene Promote Cell Survival against Oxidative Stress in Canine
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Educational Needs on Health Examination for Nurse
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The Next Generation of ERP & EC
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Early Childhood Teachers’ Professionalism, Teaching Efficacy, and Teacher-child Interaction
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Genesis of Korean sentence-ending suffixes : Grammaticalization of -canha, -ketun, and –nikka
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FTA with giant economies after KORUS: EU, Japan, China
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A Study on the Export Priority Indicators of Rice Processed Food for Export Business
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A Study on Support Systems for Jellyfish Damage in Korea Due to Global Warming
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Transforming Game Development with Generative Artificial Intelligence : Opportunities and Challenges
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A Characteristic Analysis of Glass Beads Excavated from the Naedeok-ri Site in Gimhae
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