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저자명=H.T. Chung
좁혀보기 좁혀보기 초기화
결과 내 검색
Meiotic Inhibition with Roscovitine and Recombinant Human FSH in Porcine Oocytes and Its Effects on Maturation and Embryo Development
Kim, S.W., D.H. Kim, J.S. Seo, G.S. Im, B.C. Yang, H.S. Park, I.S. Hwang, J.K. Park, H.T. Chung, B.S. Yang
한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) Reproductive & Developmental Biology(Supplement) Volume 29 No 2 Supplement 2005.06 p.121
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