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저자명=Dongki Min
좁혀보기 좁혀보기 초기화
결과 내 검색
The Effects of Overhead Squat Exercise Using Visual Feedback on Scapular Muscle Activities and Alignment in Adults with Round Shoulder Posture KCI 등재
Jeho Kim, Youngjun Kim, Dongki Min
대한스포츠물리치료학회 정형스포츠물리치료학회지 Vol.20 No.2 2024.12 pp.59-70
※ 기관로그인 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다.
A Model of Tradable Pollution Permits with Application to the Korean Industrial Sectors
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동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 The Policy Issues of the Economic, Industrial and Cultural among Korea, Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2016.11 pp.107-127
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