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저자명=Chun-Xia Yang
좁혀보기 좁혀보기 초기화
결과 내 검색
Ellagitannins from Camellia oleifera Fruit Shell Extractives
Yi-Chang He, Wei Gao, Jie-Fang Yang, Young-Soo Bae, Chun-Xia Yang, Wei Ding, Zhen-Jun Gu, Mei-Jie Wu, Dong-Bo Yu, Hwang Gao, Cheng Zhou, Chun Gong
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Overview of research on three pine species in Jiangxi province, China
Wei Ding, Cheng Zhou, Chun-Xia Yang
강원대학교 산림과학연구소 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 학술대회 KNU IFS 2018 Annual International Symposium of Institute of Forest Science 2018.09 p.112
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