In this article, I claim that there are two types in Korean double nominative constructions in which the leftmost nominal expression exhibits an GEN/NOM alternation. In one type, the first nominative nominal is a grammatical subject, while the second one is a complement. In the other, both nominals are "subjects," as a specifier of an IP or an AgrP. I also claim that there is a correlation between an inherent nature of the second nominative nominal and a type of a Korean DNC. When the nominal denotes a property, the sentence is of the first type, and when it denotes a kinship or an alienable possession, the sentence is of the second type. Finally, when it denotes a part, the sentence is structurally ambiguous.
1. 머리말
2. “부분” 명사의 구조적 중의성: 속격/대격 교체 양상의 대격중출 구문
3. 속격/주격 교체 양상의 주격 중출 구문
3.1. 속격/주격 교체와 속격/대격 교체의 대비
3.2. 속격/주격 교체의 두 경우: “주어-보어” 구성 대 “이중/다중주어” 구성
4. 주격 중출 구문의 “부분” 명사 그리고 속격/주격 비교체의경우
4.1. 주격 중출 구문의 “부분” 명사
4.2. 속격/주격 비교체: (14-15)의 경우
5. 마무리