

A Clausal Predicate Analysis of Korean Multiple Nominative Constructions


Hee-Rahk Chae, Ilkyu Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



We will provide a clausal predicate analysis of Multiple Nominative Constructions (MNCs) in Korean, under the spirit of phrase structure grammar approaches. MNCs in Korean have two interesting characteristics: there is no limit on the number of nominative NPs in the construction, and the nominative NPs in MNCs are not directly related to each other. The purpose of this paper is twofold. Firstly, we will provide new syntactic mechanisms that capture the two characteristics above. In doing so, we will compare MNCs with multiple accusative constructions (MACs) in order to better understand their syntactic and semantic characteristics. Secondly, regarding the grammatical function of the nominative NPs of MNCs, we will show that the initial NP does not have a special status, e.g., as a "Large/Major Subject." It will be proven to be a regular subject of the clausal predicate on its right, just as each of the other NPs are the subject of the (clausal) predicate on its right.


 1. Introduction
 2. Two Important Characteristics of MNCs
  2.1. No Limit on the Number of Nominative NPs
  2.2. Multiple Nominative NPs: Not a Constituent
 3. Syntactic Mechanisms for MNCs and MACs
  3.1. Previous Analyses
  3.2. A Recursive Rule Analysis
  3.3. Syntactic Mechanisms for MACs
 4. Grammatical Functions of the Nominative NPs
  4.1. Not Just Topic or Focus
  4.2. No Functional Differences among Nominative NPs
 5. Conclusion


  • Hee-Rahk Chae Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
  • Ilkyu Kim Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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