

한국어 시간요소들의 형태통사론


The Morphosyntax of Temporal Elements in Korean.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It has been widely believed in the field of Korean linguistics that Korean Language has a tense system as in European languages. I argue that Korean Language does not have a tense as a grammatical category. Under this hypothesis, the morphosyntactic status of the Korean temporal elements is characterized as the following. 1)'-nun-' is not a morpheme as a syntactic unit. If we assume that '-nun-' is a single morpheme that is positioned in a node on a syntactic structure, we lead to a totally ad hoc account of the realizations of the allomorphs. 2)'-te-' is not a morpheme as a syntactic unit, on similar grounds. 3)'-essess-' is not a combination of two syntactic units, but one morpheme marking a subcategory of aspect. 4)'-ko iss-' and '-e iss-' are not single syntactic units, but elements that belong to the different phrases, building into a complex sentence structure. 5)The adnominal clause marker '-un' and '-ul' are morphophonological realizations of '-ess-nun' and '-keyss-nun', respectively. 6)'-ess-' is not a tense, but an aspect element.


 1. 들어가기
 2. 시제 논의의 전제: ‘-느-’, ‘-더-’, ‘-았었-’과 ‘상 보조동사’
 3. 시간요소의 시간적 의미와 문법범주: ‘-었-’을 중심으로
  3.1. 시제 가설에서의 ‘-었-’ 처리 가능성
  3.2. ‘-었-’은 과거시제인가, 완결상인가?
 4. 관형절의 시간요소: ‘-은’과 ‘-을’
 5. 마무리


  • 양정석 Yang, Jeong-Seok. 연세대학교(Yonsei University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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