

Gestural Overlap as a Function of Assimilation Contrast


Minjung Son

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Considered in the context of phonetic variability, inter-gestural overlap in the articulation of C1C2 sequences is gradient (e.g., more overlap and less overlap). EMMA is used to collect direct kinematic data from eight Seoul-Korean speakers to examine if gestural overlap differs depending on various factors. Four consonantal sequences (/tk/, /tp/ ,/pk/, /pt)/ are recorded. Focusing on a case study of Korean, we investigate order effect (e.g., more overlap in a front-to-back sequence compared to the reverse order) and phonological context effect on overlap. We also examine linguistic (word boundaries) and paralinguistic effects (speech rate and repetition). The results of the current study show that Korean speakers have internalized different phonological status, producing more overlap in the assimilation context than in the non-assimilation context. For both linguistic and paralinguistic factors, more overlap is obtained in the within-word condition and in the fast rate condition with inter-speaker variability.


 1. Introduction
 2. Method and Measurements
 3. Materials and Subjects
  3.1 Materials
  3.2 Participants
 4. Results
  4.1 Order of Place Effect:/tp/ (Back-to-Front Sequence) vs. /tk/ (Front-to-Back Sequence)
  4.2 /pk/ (Front-to-Back Sequence, Assimilation) vs. /pt/(Front-to-Back Sequence, Non-Assimilation)
  4.3. /pk/ (front-to-back sequence) as the assimilation context
 5. Discussion


  • Minjung Son Hongik University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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