A Study of Make-up & Hair Creating Inner Beauty
Make-up and Hair has very long history. This art of make-up has been developed by the progress of culture along with the days of the fixed life of human and the means of expression most idear beauty of the age with its meaning changed with the age. The united course of the design by time, place and occasion by color texture and shape which are the 3 essences of design of make-up can be classified into two patterns in a large way. 1) Luxurious image make-up of the feminine beauty this harmonizes the pink lines, korean dress and dressy garment. it is more beautiful in artificial light and suitable to the make-up at daytime. 2) We can say that the hair style is a way of self-expression. people can express various kinds of feeling and moods with hair styles. Creating beautyiful natual looking hair styles is very important element for the creation of good self-images and for the expression of one’s internal personality and beauty.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 본론
Ⅲ. 결론
1.메이크업과 Hair의 Variation.
2. 메이크업과 Hair의 작은 변화
Ⅳ. 제언