

마을계획에 따른 농촌경관과 지역성 고찰- 충북 보은군 산외면 대원리를 중심으로 -


A Study on the Rural Landscape and Locality according to the Community Planning- Focused on the Daewon Ri Sanoe Myeon Boeun Gun Chungbuk -

박헌춘, 김승근

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, has been the subject of high interest in rural areas. However it incite the damage to rural landscape and destruction of the locality. The reason is the economic logic that potential was ignored of community. In the meantime, has thrown out the importance to restore damaged rural landscape. So, pleasant natural environment and community resources to create value. Therefore, the purpose of this research, redefine the value of the future of rural landscape that the community design and community planning is to offer basic data. The results of study are as follows; First, the landscape that all human perception through the senses, so the community planning to landscape the locality of the formation is a very important element. Second, if it build a new building would have to find space in community. So, the plan must reflect the community and the locality, If so the landscape of th community, the building will be imbibe naturally. Third, the rural area of the rural community when planning for past, present and future should be thoroughly analyzed, and for the future direction of the community will be set up. Finally, analyzing correctly past of the community to reconfigure the rural community is very important. When configure the space of rural community, if created the new space based on original characteristic of the community, the landscape will be kept in rural community.


 1. 서 론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
 2. 문헌고찰을 통한 농촌경관과 지역성
  2.1 농촌경관의 개념
  2.2 지역성의 개념
 3. 보은군 산외면 대원리의 일반 현황
  3.1 대원리의 자연 환경
  3.2 대원리의 인문 환경
 4. 대원리의 농촌경관과 지역성
  4.1 대원리의 농촌경관 현황
  4.2 대원리의 지역성
 5. 농촌경관과 지역성의 의의
 6. 결론


  • 박헌춘 Park, Heon-Choon. 충북대학교 대학원 건축공학과 석사수료
  • 김승근 Kim, Seung-Geun. 극동정보대학 건축학과 부교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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